Wow, what a Wedding Hollywood in Rome!

christine and jonathon wedding in italy

Wedding Christine and Jonathon

We were thrilled to receive Christine and Jonathon’s request. We really wanted to work with a public figure like Christine Avanti. Their impressive, “hands-on” backgrounds impelled Christine and Jonathon to contribute greatly to the planning. Lots of details needed to be arranged and finalized… 1,000+ emails for the wedding, our record!!

Not just an ordinary wedding for Christine and Jonathon; instead a week-long affair: entertainment for 120+ guests, Rome tours, food tours, “meet and greet” and rehearsal dinner…

The food tours were especially appealing: appetizers served at a typical Rome restaurant then main course at a different locale…and so on. A really original way to see Rome and to taste its unique, delicious delicacies!

Let’s “Meet and Greet”, of course only at the most historic cafe’ in Rome in the posthumous company of great artists like Byron, Gogol, Keats who drank there. A lovely room was rented to welcome friends and family.

A modern hotel with pool and garden served as venue for the rehearsal dinner just steps from Saint Peter’s and the Janiculum Hill. Excellent food cooked by a star chef, with music and wine. What else could you ask for!

Before dinner guests enjoyed the fortune of a lifetime … a “Secret Vatican Museum tour.” Exclusive private viewings of parts of the Vatican closed to the public. What a treat.

Christine and Jonathon went all out to please guests so that they enjoyed the best wedding or week…of their life!

Interns arranged for welcome bags delivered to guests’ hotel. This lovely tote with Christine and Jonathon’s initials included caps and bottled water with initials and other travelling goodies like toothpaste, Advil, etc. Surely guests appreciated this special “Thank You.” Christine strongly desired that guests felt very welcomed after such a long trip; she took extra-care in writing a welcome letter detailing all wedding details of the week.

I must admit, working on this wedding changed my prospective on weddings! It was fun telling my Italian friends what this “crazy” couple had thought of…a SCAVENGER HUNT in ROME!!! When I first heard this idea I thought that they must be joking but in fact they weren’t! Often I wasn’t sure whether they were joking or not while telling me their ideas, especially Jonathon’s! Usually they were not!!! Therefore, scavenger hunt it was…120+ guests on vans travelling around Rome doing the craziest things: from tasting food from strangers plates, to dancing a waltz in Piazza Navona to holding a speech in public. I had thought that guests may not participate but in fact…everybody joined. Listening to their stories and looking at the pictures was hilarious!! Crazy Americans! They took off their shoes put on the flip-flops Christine brought, and off they went! What a great experience!!

When, you may wonder, was this scavenger hunt…well, it ran after the wedding march! Yes, they planned a wedding march from the church to Piazza Venezia…taking over Rome! Of course Jonathon and Christine rented a carriage while all the guests walked and cheered them along the way!

They planned a classic ceremony. Christine arrived “slightly” late but as I told her bridesmaid, “knowing Christine it couldn’t have been any different!” Lots of tears and emotion, string quartet, soprano (a surprise Jonathon arranged for Christine), lighting of the unity candles, doves (another surprise Jonathon arranged!) and amazing flowers. Big vases adorned with white hydrangeas orchids, candles absolutely stunning.

Speaking of surprises, Jonathon involved me in arranging fun surprises for Christine. Not easy to do…Frequently when I heard that either Jonathon or Christine thought of an idea I worried! Helicopters, singers, doves, carriages. white horses, lots of romantic ideas but it’s not easy to keep a secret from Christine! Anyway, we succeeded with the soprano and the doves!

I will never forget being with Christine on the morning of the wedding. She acted so happy and nervous too, lots of tears, screaming, hugging and appreciation for her best friends and family present.

Following the ceremony and wedding march, guests took off for their scavenger hunt while Christine and Jonathon completed their photo shoot in Rome, riding alternatively in a black Maserati and a gorgeous antique red Fiat 500. Can’t tell you how beautiful the photos came out. So many random people took photos of the couple that cameras literally surrounded us …Hollywood in Rome!!

While we cruised Rome the rest of the Weddings in Rome team laid red ribbon on 100 chairs, arranging seating, seating chart, place cards, favors, candles, petals and more…The venue looked AMAZING!

Christine named all tables after famous Italian artists. Christine named their table Botticelli, famous for passion and love. We arranged costumed gold antique frames to use as a seating chart adorned with keys hung with place cards attached with ribbon, so beautiful…

A historic villa with a beautiful view of Rome, perfect gardens and splendid interior under perfect weather. The guests ate in the outside patio, listened to music, superb speeches and a maxi-screen with a projection of pre-wedding videos and pictures of Christine and Jonathon’s childhood. To end the evening DJ, incredible fireworks – an Italian specialty (the most amazing fireworks I ever saw) and delicious cake.

The following day a brunch was arranged to say good bye to all of their friends and family.

WOW what a wedding…! Thank you Christine and Jonathon.